
Francisco Solano

I am a Junior who never chooses the wrong! Stay sweet and choose the right!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

what i will do to graduate

“What I Will I Do to Graduate from High School”
Soon I will  graduate. But  it  order  to  graduate,  I  must  qualify  to  graduate. In

order to do this I pass all my classes and in order to get accepted into a good college or university I must I have good grades and good scores on tests. In order for me to meet these qualifications I must always follow the rules and as I am instructed. If I don’t follow the rules, I will get in trouble and it will go on my record. The reason that that is bad is because whatever I have done wrong will forever stay in my record and my name will be dirty. I must do as I am instructed. If I follow the instructions then not only will my record be clean but I will understand the material that my instructor is teaching me. This will help not me not only when graduate but beyond that point as well. Although following the rules and instructions is significant, but I must also do other things to help me meet my requirements to graduate. I must do all of my homework. This is very significant because it counts points for my grade. Not only helps me with my grade but helps me learn material that may not have understood before. Or if I understood the material, it’s good practice for when I have an exam or quiz. Exams and quizzes are indeed significant. They are a big part of your grade and it tests your knowledge on pasts materials. I must study hard to reach my goals. Doing my homework is good practice. Not only I should do my homework but study and review the material learned on my own time. Following these steps will help e meet my requirements so I may graduate and be prepared for the not so distant future.
1.        Come to school on time                                        
2.        Do all your assignments
3.        Respect your teachers
4.        Do outside of school activities
5.        Complete home work
6.        Choose the right!

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